Information provided pursuant to Article 13 of EU Reg. 2016/679 (hereinafter GDPR)

1) Introduction: the importance of data protection

The company that operates the website considers the protection of individuals, with regard to the processing of personal data, a fundamental right. Transparency towards site users therefore represents a primary objective, pursued through effective communication tools aimed at making basic information on data processing available. This policy is therefore aimed at providing detailed information to visitors (hereinafter Users), with specific reference to the various functions of this website.

2) General information

Users are informed of the following general profiles, valid for all areas of processing:

  • all personal data are processed in compliance with the applicable privacy regulations in force (EU Reg. 2016/679 and Legislative Decree 196/2003, as amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018);
  • all User data are processed in a lawful, correct, and transparent manner, in compliance with the general principles set out in Article 5 of the GDPR;
  • specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use, and unauthorized access, pursuant to Article 32 of the GDPR.

3) References of the Data Controller and rights of interested parties

The Data Controller is: MJI Srl – Via Donizetti, 27 – Oderzo (TV) – P.IVA: 05013050264 – PEC:
The company that operates the website (appointed Data Processor) is:
MIP Sas – Cascina Mancapane 26022 Cremona – Email:
The User, by contacting the Data Controller at the addresses indicated in the contact sections of this site, can exercise the following rights, provided for by the GDPR:
  • right to request the presence and access to personal data concerning him (Article 15 “Right of access”);
  • right to obtain the rectification / integration of inaccurate or incomplete data (Article 16 “Right to rectification”);
  • the right to obtain, if there are justified reasons, the cancellation of data (Article 17 “Right to erasure”);
  • right to obtain the limitation of processing (Article 18 “Right to restriction”);
  • right to receive the data concerning him in a structured format (Article 20 “Right to portability”);
  • right to object to the processing and to automated decision-making processes, including profiling (Articles 21, 22 “Right to object”);
  • right to revoke a previously given consent;
  • the right to submit, in the event of non-response, a complaint to the Data Protection Authority.

4) Account creation and purchases

Registration allows the creation of the User, to be used to make purchases on the site (it is also possible to make purchases without registration).

The data necessary for the creation of the profile (eg: personal data, contacts, credentials, etc.) and the administrative / operational management of the purchases made (eg: payment data, delivery, etc.) and related services (eg: returns, credit notes, vouchers, notices, wishlists, etc.) are requested. The processing is carried out for the fulfillment of contractual and pre-contractual obligations (product purchase) with the customer and related legal obligations (GDPR-Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b, c), according to the terms and conditions of use specified on a specific page. A specific, free and informed consent is also required (GDPR-Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a), documented through a specific check-box (GDPR-Article 7, paragraph 1). Filling in the optional fields is aimed at providing information and services that are more consistent with the User profile.

The same data, with the exception of the access credentials, will be requested and processed, in the same way, even in the case of orders without registration.

The data is processed by internal personnel, duly authorized and trained in the processing (GDPR-Art.29) or by external platform managers or by persons preparatory to the provision of purchase / delivery services. The data will not be disseminated or transferred to extra-EU countries.

The data are kept for times compatible with the purpose of the collection and related legal obligations (storage of administrative documentation), in any case up to the possible request for cancellation by the user.

Failure to provide the data will make it impossible to complete the registration and make purchases.

5) Tournament Sign-Up

The site allows online sign-up for the tournament, under registration by filling in the appropriate format.

The data necessary for correct registration and sign-up to the tournament will be requested (personal and contact data, data referring to ranking and sporting qualifications, access data). The processing is subject to the user’s free will to register, which is configured as free and informed consent (GDPR-Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a).

The data is processed by internal staff, duly authorized and trained in the processing (GDPR-Art.29) or by external platform managers or by persons preparatory to the provision of services. The data will not be disseminated or transferred to extra-EU countries. Subject to acceptance of the appropriate consent checkbox, the data may be used for the purpose of sending information / commercial contents, including by third parties.

The data are kept for times compatible with the purpose of the collection and related legal obligations, in any case up to the possible request for cancellation by the user.

Failure to provide the mandatory data (*) may make it impossible to obtain the registration and sign-up the tournament. The filling of the optional fields is aimed at providing information more consistent with the User profile.

6) Additional services

The site may offer further services to the User: purchase of tickets, reservations, information services, etc.

For the provision of services, the compilation of personal data and / or the right to send commercial information may be required, in a completely autonomous, free and optional way. The treatment is based on specific, free and informed consent (GDPR-Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a), documented through a specific check-box (GDPR-Article 7, paragraph 1).

The data is processed by internal staff, duly authorized and trained in the processing (GDPR-Art.29) or by external platform managers or by persons preparatory to the provision of services. The data will not be disseminated or transferred to extra-EU countries.

The data are kept for times compatible with the purpose of the collection and related legal obligations, in any case up to the possible request for cancellation by the user.

Failure to provide the data may make it impossible to obtain the service.

7) Requests for information and optional sending of e-mail messages

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic and / or ordinary mail to the addresses indicated on this site, as well as any specific requests made through the contact form / notes fields, involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message (with respect to which the sender is responsible for the general privacy principles).

In any case, the Data Controller will process the data sent according to the security and confidentiality criteria indicated herein, keeping them for times compatible with the purpose of the request.

8) Navigation data

The IT systems and the software procedures used in the operation of this web site acquire, in the course of their normal processing, some personal data, the transmission of which is necessary in the use of the Internet communication protocols. These deal with information that is not gathered to be associated to identified parties, but which by their nature could, through processing and associations with data held by third parties, allow the identification of the users. Under this category of data we find the IP addresses or the computer domain names used by the users that connect to the site, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), notation of the resources requested,the time of the request, the method used in submitting the server request, the dimension of the file received, the numeric code indicating the status of the answer given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the user’s IT environment.

This data is used only for the purpose of receiving anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to control its correct functioning. The data could moreover be used to ascertain the responsibility in case of presumed IT crimes to the damage of the site (legitimate interests of the owner).

The data is processed exclusively by in-house staff, duly authorised and trained in data processing (GDPR-Art.29) and shall not be disclosed to external parties, diffused, or transferred to countries outside the EU. Only in cases of investigation, this data may be placed at the disposal of the competent authorities.

This data is usually kept for brief periods, with the exception of possible prolonged connections related to investigation activities.

The data is not submitted by the party involved but acquired automatically by the site’s technological systems.

9) Cookies and social network link

Cookie Cookies are brief fragments of texts (letters and/or numbers) that allow the web server to memorise on the client browser information to be reused in the course of the same visit to the site (session cookies) or subsequently, also after days (persistent cookies). The cookies are memories, according to the user’s preferences, by the single browser on the specific device used (computer, tablet, smartphone). Similar technologies like for example, web beacons, transparent GIFs and all the types of local storage introduced with HTML5, can be used to gather information on the user’s behavior and the use of the services. After this circular letter we shall refer to the cookies and all the similar technologies by using only the term “cookie.”