Veneto Padel Cup





How to Return a padel service after the glass?

The return of service that posed the most significant challenge for me to master in Padel was the one following the ball bouncing off the side glass. Unlike any return I had experienced in other...

What is the wrist pronation in the Padel?

Pronation in padel tennis In padel tennis, wrist pronation refers to rotating your wrist from a position with the palm facing upwards to a position with the palm facing downwards. This specific...

What is the fridge in Padel, and what Tips to avoid? 

Last winter, I recall playing a game of Padel on an open-air court. The floodlights illuminated the surroundings, while the snowy mountains provided a crisp backdrop. At one point, my opponents...

How to Play the Chiquita in Padel- Tips and Tricks?

When you begin playing Padel, you quickly notice that rallies tend to last longer than other racket sports, thanks to the smaller court and four-player format. Instead of aiming for an immediate...

What are the types of carbon in the Padel Racket?

Today, let’s discuss how the quality and types of Carbon can affect the performance of the padel racket. When choosing a padel racket, players often wonder about the best material. The market...

How to Play a Backhand Service in Padel

Understanding the Backhand Service in Padel The backhand service is a shot where the player strikes the ball on the non-dominant side, using the backhand grip. It involves a sideways swing motion...